"I've known Elizabeth closely since which was 16."

Michael Jackson and Elizabeth Taylor at the races in California in 1986
"Oh, she's very loyal, I see Elizabeth Taylor all the time. She's my dear friend,"
"I've met a lot people in my life..and very few are real real real friends. You could probably count 'em in one hand... Elizabeth is one of the most loyal, loving, caring people that I know."
"Remember the time when I was alone
You stood by my side and said: "Let's be strong"
You did all these things.. That only a true friend can do.."
"Elizabeth Taylor is gorgeous, beautiful, and she still is today, I’m crazy about her."
"Well, I've stopped being such a recluse now. My friend Elizabeth Taylor has got me out. Every Thursday we go to the movies together. She is Godmother to my son Prince and we get on so well. I said I could get Warner Brothers to put aside a studio just for us every week to watch films in private, but she forces me out. She's the only person who can get me out in public. We walk in, sit down, watch our film and walk out. And every time we leave the audience all stand up and applaud us. It's funny."
~ Michael Jackson ~
On Prime Time Interview, 1995
Sawyer: OK, we're gonna take a break now. When we come back, Elizabeth Taylor . . . talked to us a little bit about what she saw when she went over and talked to you, in the middle of this and helped you get treatment for addiction to painkillers.
Michael : Oh, wow....Elizabeth is on the show!
Sawyer: When we come back.
[after commercial break]
Sawyer: As we said, Elizabeth Taylor is going to talk a little bit about when she came to see you in the middle of this, what she called agony. And one of the things she was so..., I think she was so angry about with us, was that she said people always talk about one side of a person, they never give them credit for their accomplishments
Michael: That's right.
[[=>> And that's what I called A TRULLY FRIEND! <<=]] :)

1999, TV Guide Magazine Interview
TVG: Who are your closest friends?
Michael: Elizabeth. We go to the movies every Thursday.
TVG: You go to a regular movie theatre?
Michael: I want to go to the Warner Bros studio and she refuses. She says "No, I'm getting you out." So we go right into this area - which I can't say - and walk right in. And it's usually empty, because most people are working at the time. The theatre employees go "Wow, come on in" and we never really pay. And we're the ones that can afford it. [Laughs]
>Q: Critics refer to you as the self-proclaimed King of Pop. Did you choose that title?
Michael: I never self-proclaimed myself to be anything. If I called up Elizabeth Taylor right now, she would tell you that she coined the phrase. She was introducing me, I think at the American Music Awards, and said in her own words — it wasn't in the script — "I'm a personal fan, and in my opinion he is the king of pop, rock and soul." Then the press started saying "King of Pop" and the fans started. This self-proclaimed garbage, I don't know who said that.
>Michael: Elizabeth has this little girl inside of her who never had a childhood. She was on the set every day. She loves playing with a new gadget or toy, and she's totally awe-inspired by it. She's a wonderful human being
Elizabeth Taylor: A Special Bond (from
Shmuley's tapes - Fan Version)
Michael Jackson: Elizabeth Taylor is very childlike. There's nothing that you can do when she'll say, "I don't want to do that." When Bug's Life came out, she bugged me over and over to fix my schedule so we could see the cartoon. So we had to go to a public theater at about 1:00 o'clock. She makes me go out every Thursday because she says I'm too reclusive. Everybody's at work, so there's no one there and we never pay... we come with nothing and they always say, "Oh, my God, Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson." We get free popcorn, everything. She loved Bug's Life and loves Neverland. She'll go on the carousel and the Ferris wheel, but not the scary rides.
There are other childlike qualities of Elizabeth Taylor. She was in Jane Eyre around eight or nine. Our fathers were very much alike, tough, hard, brutal. She's playful and youthful and happy and finds a way to laugh and giggle even when she's in pain. She's ready to play any game, go swimming. She's very good with children. She loves toys and cartoons. I get to learn so much from her. She'll tell me about James Dean and Clark Gable and Spencer Tracey and Montgomery Clift, because she did movies with all these people. She tells me what they were really like, the ones who were nice people and the ones that weren't.
We were in Singapore—she came on most of the Dangerous tour with me—and we decided we wanted to go to the z(X). And we hung out and had our own private tour and we had fun. She's Prince and Paris's godmother and Macaulay's their godfather. She's just retained that little girl quality. That little child you see in Jane Eyre and Lassie Come Home, that's still in there. It's in her eyes. She has this glow like a child. It's so sweet. But Shirley [Temple Black], too. She says, "You get it, don't you. You're one of us."
[Elizabeth Taylor and I] we're like brother and sister, mother and son, lovers... it's a potpourri... it's something special. We go through this whining thing on the phone... "I need you..." "Oh, I need you, too." We can talk about anything. She's been my most loyal friend. She says she adores me and would do anything for me. She says Hollywood has to write a movie for the two of us. We just have to do something together.
Shmuley Boteach: Do you get jealous when she dates other men? She got married in your backyard.
Michael Jackson: Do I get jealous? Yes and no. I know that if we ever did anything romantically, the press would be so mean and nasty and call us "The Odd Couple." It would turn into a circus and that's the pain of it all. You know, I push her in a wheelchair sometimes, when she can't walk. It's none of their business what we have together. I have to be with people like me. Some rappers will say to me, "Let's hang out. Let's go down to a club." And I'll say, "What? Let's hang? I don't think so." That kind of tiling's not a party for me.
On that tour [Dangerous], she fed me because I wouldn't eat. When I get upset, I stop eating, sometimes until I'm unconscious. She took the spoon and opened my mouth and made me eat. She said she wouldn't let me go without her, and her doctors advised her not to go. She went to Thailand and followed the tour all the way to London.
And.. another article you SHOULD read, about Michael and Elizabeth.. and here's a excerpt-teaser that will make you want to read it.. [lol]
"So you're Wendy and Michael is Peter?" I had asked Elizabeth Taylor afterwards.
“My heart … my mind … are broken. I loved Michael with all my soul and I can’t imagine life without him. We had so much in common and we had such loving fun together. I was packing up my clothes to go to London for his opening when I heard the news. I still can’t believe it. I don’t want to believe it. It can’t be so. He will live in my heart forever but it’s not enough. My life feels so empty. I don’t think anyone knew how much we loved each other. The purest most giving love I’ve ever known. Oh God! I’m going to miss him. I can’t yet imagine life without him. But I guess with God’s help … I’ll learn. I keep looking at the photo he gave me of himself, which says, ‘To my true love Elizabeth, I love you forever.’ And, I will love HIM forever.” ~ Elizabeth Taylor ~
Elle avait dit : "je n'envisage pas de pouvoir vivre sans Michaël"... Elle est partie le rejoindre aujourd'hui, dans la lumière, parmi les esprits supérieurs positifs... Et même si vous portiez des peaux d'animaux innocents, dont vous n'aviez pas besoin, tellement vous rayionniez toute seule, je vous aime et vous sui reconnaissante pour ce que vous nous avez donné et ce que vous êtes... Je vous envoie paix et harmonie, RIP dear Lizy.
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