

Watching from the Moon

I want to share a poem that is written by one of my favorite (local) poet from Indonesia, Sapardi Djoko Damono. This poem is called "The Day Will Come". Every time I read this poem, I always remember Michael, just in replacing the word 'poem' with 'song'...
and the song of "One Day in Your Life" keep playing in my mind.
So, here we go....

The Day Will Come

The day will come
When my body no longer exists
But in the lines of this poem [song]
I will never let you be alone

The day will come
When my voice is no longer heard
But within the words of this poem [song]
I will continue to watch over you

The day will come
When my dreams are no longer known
But in the spaces found in the letters of this poem [song]
I will never tired of looking for you

For the love that Michael had shared with us,
that we shall continue to spread his words and realize his dreams,
knowing he is watching from above, and he will never leave us...
Always remember: We are not alone, we never will

The Moonwalker is watching from the Moon

Artwork: copyright of @MyMjjTribute

♪♫ Would you ever even dream
To go to the extreme?
And would you ever wanna
Be the one to rescue me?

On the moon,
that's where you'll find me soon.. ♪♫

"A star can never die.
It just turns into a smile and melts back into the cosmic music, the dance of life"
~ Michael Jackson ~